Qualifications & Training
QTS (Qualified Teachers Status)
Degree - First Class hons, Dance
Qualified TEFL Teacher (Teaching English as a foreign Language)
Certified life coach
Restorative Justice Instructor
International Safeguard lead
Advance NVR instructor (Non-violent Resistance - Verbal de-escalation)
PRICE - Physical Intervention
Mindful Practitioner/ instructor
Pivotal - Behaviour specialist programme
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption
Cyber Security
Display Screen Equipment
Health & Safety - For Children with SEND and ASN
Parental Responsibilities - in Schools
Risk Assessments for school trips
Search, Screen & Confiscate, for schools
Distribution of controlled medicine
Fire safety
First Aid
I had the absolute privilege of engaging in discussions with Julia Samuel, MBE, about the themes of grief and trauma. It began with my responses to Julia's social media posts, which swiftly evolved into deeper conversations over Skype. Before I knew it, I found myself proffing her upcoming book and providing feedback, which had yet to be released.
When the book finally made its release, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had been acknowledged in the acknowledgments section. Being recognised by someone of Julia's stature and influence in this field was an immensely proud moment for me.
I've been fortunate enough to have worked in schools for over 10 years now, from public to private, in the UK and internationally. I have thoroughly enjoyed my career to date. My responsibilities have been somewhat varied between posts, but I always carry a leadership role. I am currently head of year 11 and an English teacher.
My teaching roles have developed over the years as I have found what I feel most passionate about. I started teaching dance as a natural progression from my early training, moving to physical education, and, after a spell in the Middle East, moving into English.
Typical duties include (but are not limited to):
Managing a team and department.
Lesson planing.
Develop curriculum pathways.
Assess progress and other performance-related data.
Delivering staff training and CPD sessions.
Guidance and support (behaviour).
Staff Induction Programme: New Teachers.
Managing budgets.
Writing school policy (behaviour).
Lead team meetings.
Coordinating staff rotas and timetables.
Building relations with external agencies.
Communicating and building links between school and home.
Organising whole-school events.
I am forever grateful for the time I spent performing and touring.
Exhibiting your work teaches you many lessons and transferable skills, such as;
Vulnerability: to take risks with your work.
To welcome and offer feedback in many forms.
The art of communication, beyond words.
The importance of community and being reliable.
Celebrating others success.
finding creative solutions to boundaries.
How to look after your health and wellbeing through your daily habits.
How to be mindfully inclusive.
Surround yourself with skilled people so that you are able to learn from them.
How to critique and self-reflect.
Approaching new ideas and concepts with an open mind.